Cybersecurity attacks and threats are making global headlines every day. Alongside industry reports of IT leaders lacking confidence in their security posture, we are seeing daily stories about the latest brands or industries to fall victim to sophisticated cybercrime. Recently, news broke on Fat Face’s £1.45million ransom following a phishing attack, while research has found that the UK Higher Education institutions are repeatedly targeted by ransomware attacks. In a time where retail brands have been making just a quarter of typical revenue, and educational facilities are challenged by remote learning demands, cybercrime is an added knockback that could have devastating financial repercussions.
It is no coincidence that the expanding threatscape coincides with society’s increased reliance on technology. Yet, despite the fact we are all turning to digital solutions for work, communication and entertainment, the skills gap remains rife. In fact, according to recent studies, the UK is heading towards ‘a digital skills shortage disaster’, as the number of young people taking IT subjects at GCSE level has dropped by 40% in the last six years. This means that finding the in-house expertise that will ensure a business is protected both day and night is becoming more of a challenge. Not only are there less trained experts available, but the growing level of cybercrime sophistication means that internal SecOps teams struggle to cover all the necessary ground. It will therefore come as no surprise that two thirds of organisations are planning to increase their amount of outsourced cyber resilience in 2021.
Outsourcing security solutions to expert agencies and Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs) can offer business leaders un-matched peace of mind, allowing them to focus on what really matters. However, as a cybersecurity solutions provider, how do you stand out from the crowd and demonstrate that you are the trusted partner that organisations need to invest in?
Communication is king in becoming valued as trusted partners
Trust in a security vendor isn’t solely about the product, it’s also about reputation and experience. This is where an integrated thought leadership communications programme that engages across multiple platforms, plays a crucial role in showcasing knowledge, expertise and insight, and is a key influencer within any security buyer’s decision making process – the majority of companies consume between 3-5 pieces of content before even engaging with a salesperson.
Becoming seen and heard as a trusted advisor means offering unique points of view on industry topics, upcoming trends and addressing customer pain points, and is educational content which exemplifies the company’s authority in its field. Prospective clients are ultimately looking for an authoritative voice that can impart industry knowledge and demonstrate why they should be trusted with ownership over the protection of a business’ key assets. Through digesting these insights, prospects begin to realise they may need more information and support. They may also recognise that the services they are currently receiving are not matching up to the knowledge imparted through the content they are consuming. From here, business relationships can be established, and the opportunity then presents itself to convert into long-term customers.
Show where you have succeeded before
Storytelling is a powerful communications tool. Security vendors looking to demonstrate their capabilities to prospective clients should quantify the results of current and previous projects and compile case studies that narrate success and key learnings. Previous success stories should also include proof of the measurable ROI that comes with any investment; the cost of a data breach now currently stands at an average $3.8million, while the expense of implementing in-house 24/7/365 protection is often far beyond what the typical business can afford. So, by highlighting palpable cost savings, alongside improved business security, potential customers will not only see where a security vendor has succeeded before, but be able to relate this success to their own challenges.
By pairing success stories and quantifiable ROI, alongside quality thought leadership that offer advice and support to the industry and further afield, cybersecurity vendors can begin to establish themselves as trust-worthy partners that have the knowledge, skills and capability to help businesses overcome the increasing threats that lie in cybercrime.