Within Brazil there needs a seismic shift in how organisations and consumers view security, likewise a skilled labour force is required to help prevent cyber and physical attacks. Unfortunately lack of corporate security policies, badly configured products, poor system updates, badly trained and non-committed professionals prevail.
Without a national data protection authority there is no legal definition of what is considered to be personal data or sensitive personal data. However, the Internet Civil Registry has established general principles, rights and obligations for the use of the Internet and provides guidelines for the storage, use-of, processing and dissemination of data collected online.
Primary Contact

As a Director of Capital Informação Luciane has 24 years of experience working within the IT sector, as both a journalist and communications professional. She has numerous marketing degrees and qualifications including a Social Communications, e Marketing and Integrated Communications.
Demosthenes Street, 400
Campo Belo – São Paulo / Brasil
+55 (11) 3926.9517 / +55 (11) 3926.9518
Website: www.capitalinformacao.com.br
Email: contato@capitalinformacao.com.br